Model Summary

Recurring costs are projected on a periodic basis on five different intervals (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily and Hourly).

To forecast a recurring simply select how often you expect this cost to occur (Charge Period) and the dollar amount you expect to be charged (Charge per Period). You may also apply a growth or reduction rate to this cost, which will increase or decrease the cost in each period it occurs.




Cost Category

The Cost Category field will determine where this cost will be placed on the income statement, and whether it will be included in specific analytics.

Select a category based on the following criteria:

Cost of Revenue: If this cost is directly used to produce, and provide, your products or services to customers.

Sales & Marketing: If this cost is used to attract, acquire or maintain new, existing or current customers. If Sales & Marketing is selected this cost will be included in the overall Cost of Customer Acquisition.

General: If this is a cost that generally contributes to the overall operations of the business or project, but is not directly tied to customer acquisition or revenue production.


Begin Month

The month you would like to begin forecasting this cost.


End month

Select the month you would like to stop forecasting this cost. The month you select will be the final month of the projection and you will no longer incur this cost in the months following your selection.


Cost Period

The periodic rate at which this cost is incurred.


Cost per Period

The amount charged each period.


Hours per Day (for Hourly only)

The number of hours this cost will be incurred each day. 


% Change per Period (Optional)

The % increase, or decrease, in this cost per charge period.


Credit Terms (Days to Pay)

The average number of days between the day this cost is incurred and the day it has to be paid.